Friday, May 15, 2009

Splish, Splash.

Summer is here. I know technically it isn't summer - according to the calendar....but here in Katy, Texas, it is summer. Yesterday it got to be a little over 90° and boy could you feel it.

So, the kids and I went to Family Dollar and picked up a "glorified kiddie pool", three sets of arm floaties and a blow up pool set (beach ball, floating ring and body board) all for under $25. And yesterday, it was a life saver! We decided to purchase a little pool for the backyard because there is no way that I will be taking three kids to our neighborhood pool - two of which are under the age of three, by myself. We will probably head to the "big" pool in the evenings after Jer gets home from work and we will have "little" pool time in the morning.

Jacie wasn't too sure of this air filled "bath tub" and she wanted to get out right away. Being that it is deeper than her actual bath at bath time, she face planted a couple times and didn't like it so much.

On the other hand, Juliana and Jack had a great time cooling off!

So bring it on summer! :)

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