Monday, July 20, 2009


Sorry for the time span in between posts. There are a couple following this post that were just added today.

Happy reading! :)

Jack and His Chopped Mop.

Last Wednesday, we took Jack for his first real hair cut. Our friend Scott, from church, is a hairdresser and we wanted to take Jack to someone we trusted. After all, good haircuts are important when you're a kid - it eliminates the possibility of blackmail when you're older. :)

When we got there, Jack started to get a little nervous and well...started to freak out. So I had to call in for reinforcements (aka daddy, who was in the car with Juliana and Jacie.)

Finally Jack agreed to sit on daddy's lap. And the lollipop was a nice touch.
Note: Take notice of the HUGE teardrop on his cheek.

Even the girls got to indulge in pops. This was Jacie's first sucker and I am surprised that it didn't end in a sticky mess. She did well. :)

Half way into the haircut:

Finished product:

I know it doesn't look like much of a haircut but long, flowing locks is Jack's signature look. Maybe next time we will go a bit shorter Poppy! :)

Oodles N Boodles.

Oodles N' Boodles. Its my new baby. Not an actual child in the sense. But it is mine. My new business. And I must say that I am happy, surprised, thankful at how well it is doing.

These are my first TWO orders that were placed this past week:

Just last night, I got three more orders in a time span of an hour and I woke up to one more this morning. God is really blessing this business and I am so excited to see where this will take me and how it will grow.

Speaking of diapers, here is my Jacie girl sporting a diaper that mommy made. Jack and Jacie LOVE these things. Not to mention, so does our bank account. And of course the planet. :)