Monday, July 12, 2010


Here at the Lamson house, we have put into place a "Chore Chart" and each day; Juliana, Jack and Jacie have certain chores they are responsible for. ( I LOVE this system for the sheer fact that it is a lighter work load for mommy!)

Juliana came to Jer and I at the beginning of the week and asked if she could get her ears pierced. So....we responded, "SURE!" But you must earn it....

As you can see, she did a great job this week!

This is before she got pierced.

Marking the exact spots for her earrings.

Just a little pinch....

VIOLA!! Finished product....and she didn't even flinch...ONCE!

I look at the picture above and all I see is that sweet, little 6 month old baby face. How on earth did she grow up SO fast?!?! And what was I doing??? 

1 comment:

Alison said...

I LOVE these pictures - Juliana is so, so, so gorgeous (and so is Mom) - stinkin' adorable. <3