Friday, June 19, 2009

A little visit from you know who...

Losing teeth as a kid, for me, was always kind of traumatic and exciting at the same time. Traumatic because...."mom, this tooth is hanging by a thread here, and I am kind of scared to pull it out..."Exciting because the tooth fairy always left the moolah under my pillow.

When Juliana was born - lots of things flashed through my mind. Lack of sleep, crawling, walking, boo-boos, talking, starting Kindergarten and losing her baby teeth. And she did just that.

Last Thursday, Jeremiah and I had rehearsal for praise band - and it is also night one (out of two) of me being home by myself. Well, when we got home, the kiddos ran upstairs to brush their teeth before bed and after 30 seconds of brushing, I hear an "uh-oh mom" come from Juliana. Her loose tooth was now a dangling tooth. So, we gave it a little tug and out she came.

I explained to her that the tooth fairy comes at night while she is asleep and picks up her tooth for her "tooth collection" back in "Toothville". Of course I got questions about what the tooth fairy does with the teeth, how does she get in our house, etc. My answers being she builds houses in her village and she uses her magic tooth wand to unlock our door.

We left the tooth fairy a letter - with tooth in a ziploc baggie, just to make sure she got everything. Juliana woke up the next morning to a letter from the tooth fairy and a dollar in quarters and dimes - which was all the tooth fairy could get together in that short amount of time. :)
When Juliana came into our room to show us what the tooth fairy had left her, she found another copy of the letter by the printer from the tooth fairy - total accident on the tooth fairy's part. SO glad she didn't ask any questions!!

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