Well, this really has nothing to do with Mexico but it is one of three topics of this post.
My Jacie girl has now realized that it is more beneficial to her and where she is going if she walked. Today after her nap, she spotted daddy sitting in the chair and started to crawl over to him. Apparently she wasn't moving as fast as she would have liked, so she stood up and just started walking. She walked over to him, walked through the kitchen, walked over to the TV. After about five minutes she sat down on the ground and started to crawl around like a baby chimpanzee with that bum leg crawl that she has. Five minutes is a start, right?
Mexican Food. It is what I want ALL the time. Morning, noon and night. Not sure if it is because of my new surroundings or what but this pregnancy has been all about food from south of the border. We are not talking Taco Bell...we are talking authentic Mexican food.
Tonight for dinner, I made Chicken Enchiladas and they turned out AHHHMAZING. And because I was feeling a little spunky, I made Virgin Strawberry Margaritas - the perfect Mexican beverage to go with the perfect Mexican meal.
I know my blog has been about food the past couple of posts but bear with me. I am ALL about food...well, lately anyhow.
Dun, dun, dun. SWINE FLU.
A middle school in Katy has temporarily closed its doors due to a possible "swine" outbreak. I don't know if it is just me but it has hit a little too close to home, in the literal sense. Makes me want to wrap my kids up in sterile wrap infused with Lysol and throw them into a bubble.
(For those back home:) Right now we are trying to not go out anywhere super public. We don't want to have any kind of outbreak, especially with three little ones and with my immune system being a little weak because of the pregnancy. We love you all and will talk to you soon! :)
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