My kids make me laugh. On a daily basis, actually. If it isn't making up songs, or saying something completely out of the ordinary or playing "house".... It just makes me smile and I thank God that I am able to stay home and witness their growth spurts - physically, mentally and spiritually.
I guess this post is more of an "Ode to my kids" than anything. They are pretty amazing and deserve to be bragged on a bit.
My sweet Juliana is almost SIX. It makes me wonder where the time has gone. It seems like yesterday I was in labor and delivering this beautiful little girl. She LOVES to play "mommy" to Jack and Jacie, even when I am right there. She is my mother goose. She is big into tattling on her little brother, even when she doesn't realize it. She changes her clothes about thirteen times a day. She likes to help me in the kitchen - even if it is just pouring milk on a bowl of cereal. She loves spending time with her friends from church and teaching her little brother songs that she learned in Sunday School that week. Her new obsession is computer time - even if it is only 30 minutes a day. She reads books like it is going out of style. She is my helper and sometimes I get frustrated with her because she wants to do TOO much. But she is truly amazing.
My Jackal. I thought this picture was appropriate because this is what he does. He gets into every kinds of trouble possible. He is my boy. He is my energetic, crazy, spitfire little boy. He colors on walls, pees on the floor, chews on his toothbrush. He sneaks downstairs at 11:30pm to grab a quick snack out of the refrigerator. He hides out in our bathtub as I am frantically searching the house as to the wear abouts of Jack. He is so sweet. He loves to be hugged and to hug those around him. He looks after his little sister. He likes to color - on paper, if we are lucky. He loves loves loves bath time. He understands that we pray for our food before we dig in. He likes to dance. And sing - that's my favorite. He is truly amazing.

My sweet, sweet Jacie girl. She never ceases to surprise me on a daily basis. Her new thing is walking. She LOVES to walk everywhere - to the kitchen, to the TV, to my room. She thinks she is Evil Knievel by climbing up the stairs - which makes mommy a complete wreck at times. She says "dad", "mom" and "bye". She knows sign language for "more" and uses it frequently, especially at meal times. She likes to dance - especially to the Backyardagains or Yo Gabba Gabba. She likes to snuggle - which melts my heart and she loves to give kisses. She likes to be outside and most definitely likes to grab leaves off of the trees out front. She is my baby girl and I cant believe that birthday number TWO is right around the corner.
This is why I get up everyday. These guys keep me grounded. I wouldn't trade this time for anything in the world. Guess they're right when they say,"Time flies when you're having fun!"
Do you know that the new home of the Cleveland City Stars is Bearcat Stadium? (Actually, it's Middlefield Cheese Stadium- that's what they call it on game days!)
I am always amazed when one moment i could be wanting to rip my hair out from the patience trying tantrum throwing events of the day . then i blink and she is doing the cutest most loving thing and then i feel relieved and thank ful it is crazy insane how they can make you feel that many emotions in one sitting
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