Last night as we were putting the kids down for bed, I walked into Juliana's room to grunting and the mattress scraping the wall. She had her mattress COMPLETELY off the bed, attempting (and doing a darn good job) to put her sheet on her mattress. Now anyone that has toddlers and toddler beds knows what a pain it is to try to pull and tug the sheet to fit over the mattress. If your lucky, the sheet just magically slides over the corners. But if you have had a sheet for five years that has been through MANY washes/drys you know that they tend to shrink. (Its Babies R US and the sheet manufacturer out to take more money from tapped out parents.) Well after 10 minutes, she did it. She did it all by herself. It made me smile because she was so proud of herself and I was proud of her. :)

Our Jacie girl. She really is trying. She flies through the kitchen while holding onto cabinets, walls and appliances. She flies through the living room holding onto the couch and coffee table. And once in a while, she lets go and realizes that she is walking all by herself - and down we go. But she lets go. Our kids are growing up. Soon it will be kindergarten. Then sleepovers. Then football camp. Then high school. Then our nest is empty. Why cant they be babies forever?
Jacie's legs are so least compared to my boy's legs...they were always chunky and still are:) Amber Hawes
Your children are so beautiful Jamie! I can't wait to meet your new one when he/she arrives! We need to catch up. I do miss you! :)
Amber - She has always been a lil bit. She is so tiny! I think that is why it is taking her so long to start walking!!!
Em- I miss you too! Maybe next week when we have some extra money we can get together. I will let you know!!
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