My little 14 month old monkey LOOOVES bananas. Yesterday after church Jacie was eating bananas and making cute little monkey calls. Where she got that from, the world may never know!
Our church has "New Community" once a month on the first Sunday night of the month,("New Community" is a time of worship, prayer and baptisms.) and last night was my "turn" to sing on the worship team. Juliana was sitting with us because there is only childcare for ages baby to 4 years old. Anyways, it was time for communion and we walked to the table to receive our bread and grape juice. ( A little background: we have been talking with Juliana over the past few months about Jesus and how he died on the cross for our sins so that we could live in heaven with Him. We also have explained that the bread represents the body of Jesus and the grape juice the blood of Jesus.) As we sat down, we took the bread and juice and we started to pray. The man who was praying for communion referred to the grape juice as wine and Juliana looked over at me and said out loud, "Mom! I drank wine???" At that point, I calmly (and stopped myself from laughing) said, " No honey, you had grape juice." Well being that she is five and argues with everything I say, began to "plead her case" and lucky for me, I heard the word Amen.
Kids say the darnedest things.
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