Yes, it's true. I have become a little obsessed with making these:
The above is my "revised" pattern for my Jacie - because the pattern I was using wouldn't stay snug on her tiny, little bottom. I think calling her mouse is an "over" statement.
I have opened up my own ETSY shop online in hopes that other mommies are looking for cute cloth diapers. So far, no bites. But it's only been a couple, we will see!
Baby J: It is SO hard to believe that in 7-9 weeks, we will have our final addition to the Lamson clan! I am a bag of mixed emotions...excitement - another little babe to love so much, sadness - my baby girl won't be the baby anymore. I have been exhausted lately - which is to be expected.... but for reasons like Juliana and Jack have been getting up between 6 and 6:30 EVERY morning. I am a little nervous about NOT getting sleep and taking care of four little baby cubs but I am looking forward to that special bonding time between me and my baby boy or girl in the quiet of the night - just the two of us.
I have been in this "saving money" kick - thus the cloth diapers. We pretty much have everything we need for this baby - gear, clothes, diapers, food - courtesy of mom. The only thing we might need is a new pack n' play - should this little babe be a boy and a car seat for Jacie - being that she still fits in her infant rear- facing seat....kind of. We are also looking at cord blood banking - we have been researching and it is something we feel strongly about having - especially since you never know. Poppy, I know you might want to read about it: - :)
My favorite guy took this on Wednesday. Here is me and baby.
(30 and a half weeks.)

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