This one might be a little long folks, being that it has been ONE week since I have gotten back on here....
UPDATE ON JULIANA: Well, our little ball of rubber bounced back the very next day! Jeremiah took her to an oral surgeon and THANK GOD she didn't have to get stitches. The puncture wound was in a place in her throat that was a "gray area" - no main arteries etc. and being that she is a child, he said she would heal in a week or two! HA! She was closed up the next morning! Right now she is on anti-biotic to prevent infection and she is eating normal foods again....but we will probably still make her Jell-o, just because she likes it so much! :)
Thanks GP,NANA,GRAMS & POPPY for our Easter outfits! These adorable creatures looked so stinkin' cute! Mommy wore the exact thing that the girls did and daddy wore khakis and a white shirt - still working on getting him to wear anything argyle! :)
Poor little Jacie didn't make it through the morning. She got sick as we were leaving church and threw up not only on her little white dress but mommy's white dress also. I think the bath count for Easter day was at five and mommy's changed outfit count was at four.
The kiddos "Jesus Baskets" were a success! I went out yesterday to get these for the kiddos - we waited a little later because everything was on sale! We got Juliana High School Musical to add to her collection of Disney movies and I am not sure if I will regret it or not...we will see! After Jack's Dry Erase marker incident - we opted for an AquaDoodle mat. Its a large mat and you use special pens filled with water to color/draw on it. Once the water dries, the mat is a clear canvas again! So far, kids LOVE it and I LOVE it because I know for a fact that it is easier to clean water off of the wall than black marker. Mommy has learned her lesson! :)
INTRODUCING: Baby J Lamson - again! :) Jeremiah and I went down to Hermann Memorial City Hospital on Tuesday afternoon to get an ultrasound and this little guy/girl is growing like a weed. Our due date is August 29th and we are SO happy to say that our family will be complete once this little bundle gets here!

The night before I was having trouble taking deep breaths and it was causing some pain in my ribs/upper abdomen and middle back. Almost to the point where I couldn't talk or walk. So the ultrasound tech took a look at my gall bladder and kidneys and it turned out that my kidney was a little swollen, as well as the baby's (1cm larger than they would have liked to see.) So Tuesday night, Jeremiah and I spent most of the night in the hospital while I was hooked up to monitors, blood was drawn, X-rays were taken and pain medicine was given.
Tests came back clear and today I have no pain - as for the baby, I have a follow up with my doctor tomorrow morning and I will have to meet with a specialist so that they can monitor the baby's kidney throughout the rest of the pregnancy. God is GOOD! I am so thankful for all of the prayers that were said over my healing and SO thankful for an AMAZING husband that was by my side the whole time! God healed my pain. I am so thankful for my rocks - GOD and Jeremiah. I am so thankful.
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