On Monday, I took the kids to the zoo...it was beautiful outside, about 75 degrees and the best thing, on Mondays, admission is FREE if you live in Cuyahoga County! (yea!)
It was Jack's first time to the zoo - he was very content, just looking around at all the people. Juliana was beyond excited! I think she was just really excited to be outside of the house.
I am most likely getting a year membership, since we don't have access to a pool anymore, I don't want the kids to go stir crazy. I figure if I take them a couple times a week, an hour or two at a time, it should be a great investment.
SUBJECT CHANGE!! Last night, my dad was sitting on the couch and Jack was laying on the floor drinking his bedtime bottle. All of a sudden my dad saw the bottle roll across the floor and this is what he saw: (my kids are so stinkin' cute...)

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