Friday, March 30, 2007

Hide N' Seek

Yesterday, Juliana and I had a great day together - Jer's mom came over and watched Jack while Juliana and I went out. We started off at Target to pick up a few things where Juliana randomly said. " I am at Target AGAIN!". The manager said, "Oh yeah? Are you going to work here when you grow up?". Juliana: "Yeah, when I get bigger....".

Then we had lunch at any child in America's favorite joint...Good Ol' Micky D's. They have THE cutest toys in the happy meals this time around. Right now, they are giving the Wizard of Oz characters in kid form. This week is the Wicked Witch - MY FAVORITE!! (Thank you Wicked! - If you haven't seen it or read the book, I recommend that you book a flight to NYC and attend the show. Its at the Gershwin Theater...GO SEE IT!)

Where was I? Oh yeah, so after lunch we went to the library to get a few books and then Juliana and I came home...while she was playing with her new collection, I glanced over and witnessed this:

I guess mail boxes aren't just for mail anymore...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


On Monday, I took the kids to the was beautiful outside, about 75 degrees and the best thing, on Mondays, admission is FREE if you live in Cuyahoga County! (yea!)
It was Jack's first time to the zoo - he was very content, just looking around at all the people. Juliana was beyond excited! I think she was just really excited to be outside of the house.
I am most likely getting a year membership, since we don't have access to a pool anymore, I don't want the kids to go stir crazy. I figure if I take them a couple times a week, an hour or two at a time, it should be a great investment.
SUBJECT CHANGE!! Last night, my dad was sitting on the couch and Jack was laying on the floor drinking his bedtime bottle. All of a sudden my dad saw the bottle roll across the floor and this is what he saw: (my kids are so stinkin' cute...)

Monday, March 26, 2007

Little Angels and One Cool Dude...

This is how peaceful my kids looked last night when we pulled into the driveway. We had a big day yesterday - we had to be at church at 8:30am - we live about half an hour from there, then we took them to the park for a little playtime, it was so nice outside!! Then Juliana went to spend sometime with "GP" (Grampy Pat), which I am pretty sure that he took her to the park, so she was good and tired when we picked her up.
Oh Jack, he must be getting his first tooth. He was very warm, whiny and watery - his nose and eyes. Not to mention all that chewing on his binky...poor little guy.

Seriously, how cool is this little guy? Yesterday morning, when Jer and I were running around the house like chickens with our heads cut off - trying to get everyone out of the house on time, we found this. Juliana was downstairs with her "big brother" - she gets so confused and he had her sunglasses on....HE LOVED IT!! I just knew he would be the rock star of the kids...which means little Juliana will be practicing medicine...takin' care of mom and dad :)
Sorry the pics are so blurry, I blame the camera phone, very convenient but very crappy. More later!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Cleveland Marathon Baby!!

So, last November when Jer and I were in NYC, we each bought a pair of shoes - tradition, its what we do. He bought a gray pair of New Balance shoes and I bought these...

My intentions were to start running again to A) lose my baby fat and B) work my way up to running a marathon...more specifically, the New York Marathon. Long story short, when Jer and I arrived in NYC, we were a little early to check in to our hotel, so we decided that we would grab some lunch at a corner pizza shop near the hotel we stayed in for our honeymoon. It was a great thought....we hopped on the "N" train (its yellow) and we got off at the Queensboro Plaza, only to find the street below packed to the gills with runners, walkers and people in wheelchairs. It was one of the most amazing sights I have ever seen in my life. I just turned to Jeremiah and said, "I want to do this!!!".

Well this morning, I was on Brooke Taylor's (Radio personality for 95.5) blog and she is training for the Cleveland I went on to their website ( ) and I checked out the details...It is in 8 weeks so I am going to have to train 5 or 6 days out of the week...which is fine. I have a goal set and I am going to do it....

I want to cross that finish line in NYC and have that medal put around my neck...its the big picture...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Next Lance Armstrong...

....well not exactly like Lance Armstrong, maybe better. :)
I am just loving this warm weather, I woke up this morning and it was 63 degrees out! I think I might take the kids out for morning outside time. (If it doesn't rain...)
So yesterday, we (Jeremiah, Pat and I) had to go to court because Aberdeen Commons is suing us for $15,000 dollars!!! So they aren't going to get that much, they tried to get us on things that we didn't do, and I don't think the judge bought it. Worst case scenario, we have to pay a couple hundred dollars for rent for March of 2006, mind you, out lease was up February 23, 2006. I know what your thinking, we weren't living there in March...well they require a tenant to give them 60 days written notice if they plan to vacate the premises, which I only have them 32 days notice, because for some reason, I thought it was 30 any other normal apartment complex. Just goes to show you, ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT!
We need our own house...

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Part Deux...

Jer and I just reserved a hotel room in NYC (well it!) for Thanksgiving! We are headed to the best city in the world for the best parade in the world!
We figured that Jack will be a little over a year (which is how old Juliana was when we took her in 2004), so we should all have a great time. We are going to be gone from Wednesday, November 21st -Saturday, November 24th, which should give us a decent amount of time to do the "Family in NYC" thing...
so, yea!! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I can totally tell that this is going to be a bad habit of mine...I've already broken my resolution, who keeps up with those things anyways?? :)
Juliana is the best big sister in the WORLD! She loves to do things for Jack and she loves being the little mother. I walked into their playroom and this is what I found...

Enjoy! :)