That's my little Jack, in daddy's huge sleeping bag...
Jer went camping this weekend with the boy scout troop...so me and the kiddies had an eventful weekend at home.
Saturday, we went to granny's house and my cousin, Kelli and her kids (Dominic and Ella) were there eating BBQ sauce and nuggets - literally BBQ sauce more than nuggets. Then the fun started. Juliana always loves to play with her cousins and tonight proved it...Granny's living room was "tore up yo", the curtains were over the couch, EVERY drawer in that room was open, they found my sister's candy stash and red hots were all over the floor. (Rach, that's why your candy stash was on your bed.) I wish I would have brought the camera....fun times.
Juliana ran out of pull-ups on Saturday night so I had to put her panties on for night time, which I was very leery about, seeing as she has never slept in her underwear. I put a night light in the hallway and left the shower light on in the bathroom. I took down the baby gate that we keep in front of her door and moved it to Jack's door so she wouldn't bug him in the morning. Well, Lo and Behold, she was dry. Its still something we have to work on because yesterday at nap time, she went through 2 pairs of panties and she was wet this morning. (One step at a time....)
Jackson is starting to move. I went into his room a couple days ago after nap time and he wasn't where I put him down at...he was diagonal at the top of his mattress. He's starting to scoot. And he is also starting to hold his toys all by himself and of course he wants to chew, chew, chew. But no teeth yet.... (One step at a time....)
Jer came home yesterday morning, and I'm kind of glad. We really missed him.
(Sorry for the long update - its been a few days since I have been able to update.)
Have a great week!!!
You mean to tell me that you were .5 seconds from my house and you didn't call me?
Oh my gosh! I am laughing sooooo hard! I can only imagine granny's living room! Tooo funny! I am glad the kids can play together. That is a good thing. I knew Jackson would be moving when we walked to the living room whan I was there and found he had rolled over on the couch. Love you guys.
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