Saturday, September 3, 2011


Well....for most of you, this may be a recap. I was looking at the ol' blog and saw that it had been MARCH since I last updated....HOLY COW! (I AM really bad at this.....) ;)

Since our last recap, we have added a new Lamson. Joy Magnolia was born at home, on Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 8:03pm. She was one of the big ones....8 and a half pounder. We had a water birth and it was EVERYTHING I dreamed it would be. <3

School has started and Jack is now a proud member of Katy ISD. Being that we moved last year and decided not to pay extra a school year to keep Juliana at Golbow Elementary, she and Jack had the "pleasure" of starting a new school. IIIIIII, on the other hand, am not so thrilled or impressed with the new school. But I know my kids will blow them out of the water, academically. 

Jacie is....well, Jacie. She is the big sister around here now. She thinks she runs the place while Juliana and Jack are at school. Oh boy....she is going to be a tough one to curb. ;)

Jonah is walking and has been since May. He is just in to EVERYTHING now. And I am SO glad! 

Jeremiah has been busy. With two jobs. God really blessed us the past couple months. He is considered a "scientist" at his new job, Arcadis/Malcom Pirne. He tests soil samples and does other things with big, fancy, scientific descriptions. And he LOVES it! He was also offered a paid position with West I-10 FD - which is a huge help and allows him to do what he loves!

I....well, I am just trying to take it a day at a time. There are struggles and joys through out my day and even though I may wish for another life for one split second, I wouldn't trade my chaotic life for anything in the world! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

my {security} "blankie".

Things I am LOVING today are:

*Grape kool-aid. I made some today for the kiddos at lunch time and I think I am on my third glass now. Bringin' it back old school. 

*Pandora. I was listening to the Laura Story station - after a very stressful morning and I was COMPLETELY uplifted with praise and worship. 

This song is one that I have been leaning on all week. The video is kind of cheesy but just close your eyes and meditate on the song...


*Jeremiah. Today has been one that I don't want to repeat tomorrow. It was full of stress, sobbing, boredom. Jeremiah has been traveling to Austin four days a week for work so I have been a "single mom" in the sense that it's just me for 4 days. This week, I have had to deal with somethings that have been, somewhat, an inconvenience. I have had to deal with the electric company, water company, phone company - with children in tow, a possible car inspection and temporary plate trip, painting a bathroom, etc, etc. This afternoon, in the middle of painting the kids' bathroom, our power sporadically  went out. This was the push over the cliff. Tears began to rush down my face, breathing increased, a feeling of overwhelming stress came over me. 
I called Jeremiah. No answer. I texted him - three times to be exact. He called me back right away but I was sobbing so hard I couldn't pick up the phone. So he called again. (I could hear exactly what he was saying as the phone rang on his end.."Why isn't she answering?" "She never has her phone on her." "I  hope the house isn't on fire....")
But....surprisingly, he was calm and soothing. Like a security blanket of a two year old toddler. He is my "blankie". Not only did he call me in the middle of his hands on job (I think he was turning off water to the toilet?) but he calmed me down almost instantly.  He asked questions like, "What did you have for breakfast? lunch?", "What color blue are you painting the bathroom? Can you compare it to something I am familiar with?"

I was calm and collected.  He reassured me that everything was okay. He was patient with me through all of my sobs. He was concerned. He was loving. He was my security blankie wrapped around me during a thunderstorm. 

All the way from Austin. <3

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hiatus is {over}.

I'm back!

It's been a long and winding road since I have last logged on here. I am hoping that as part of my own personal "therapy", I can get my blog back up and running. 

Of course, I will fill you in on the wonders that are my children but I will be going at this blog thing with a different approach. Each day, Monday through Friday, will have themes to which I will follow: Menu Monday, Tackle It Tuesday, Wedded Bliss Wednesday, Toddler Trials Thursday and Faith Friday.

We will see how it goes! 

So folks, I welcome you to: Tackle It Tuesday!

I found this idea from a web blog that I came across today.... I was in DIRE need of some motivation after the morning I had and I couldn't have been more happy to cross paths with this internet gold mine. 

SO: As part of "Tackle It Tuesday" - my project for this week is all things kids' bathroom. 

When we moved into our house, if definitely needed a heaping dose of TLC. The walls were all drab white, kitchen cabinets half stained, flower beds....were not too flower can say that this house needed a little love. :)

So, since September, we have taken on one room at a time, one wall color at a time, one fixture at a time.  And I would say that the kids bathroom is up to bat. 

We decided that we wanted this bathroom to be fun and silly....just like our kiddos. SO, we decided to go with this Alex Moody Monsters theme:
Don't these adorable little monsters look just like MY adorable little monsters?!?! 

This evening, I began taping the edges and floorboards of the bathroom and will hopefully start painting tomorrow at nap time. (Keep your fingers crossed for me.)

(Updates to come next Tuesday!)