My goal was to see how long I could go without posting a new blog on here...I see I was quite successful! (Just kidding, it appears that I am just quite lazy..or busy, one of the two.)
Well, ALOT has happened in over the past month.
Jer has 9 days worth of paid vacation the last week of April. We LOVED having him home for the week. We took the kids to the zoo (twice), to the Cleveland Children's Museum and made multiple trips to Target - we love that place! It was great bonding time with daddy and he got to see what we did during the day while he was at work.

The day Jer went back to work, we found out that we are PREGNANT! Baby J #3 is due around January 2nd and I use the term "due" very loosely. Being that Juliana was 5 days early and Jack was 12 days early, we might end up with a Christmas baby! We are excited about this surprise and I am pretty sure that it will be our final surprise..
My mom was in town for Mother's Day (and my birthday :)) which was a nice thing. We miss my mom and anytime we get to see her, we really soak it up! We took the kids to the zoo (Juliana, Jack, Dominic & Ella), we did a little shopping, we cooked out on the grill and we even got an oil change for my car! It was a fun time and I always hate to see her go...stupid Texas.